Hi! My name is Adrià and I’m sixteen years old. I’m going to study 1st of Batxillerat and if I pass it I want to study Mechanical Engineering because I love everything related with cars.
This summer I’ve been working as a lifeguard at the beach in Ampuriabrava but during the winter there isn’t work to do there and now I want to be a volunteer at the Red Cross.
I live in Vila-Sacra, a small town between Figueres and Castelló d’Empúries. It’s a peaceful but boring place.
I think I am a very simple person because I don’t like to worry about small things and it’s easy to make me happy. I’m also very shy, but too extrovert (I know, that’s contradictory, but I think that it’s very difficult to describe my nature because I can change a lot depending on the situation.), maybe because I’m Gemini, although I don’t believe in the horoscope.
My hobbies are playing handball, watching horror and cartoon films and playing with the playstation. I also love drawing.
I play in the Esplais handball team in Castelló d’Empúries, my number is the eight and my position is at the bad extreme because I am left-handed.
I watch a lot of films, but my favorite films are “SAW” and “Ice Age”.
When I don’t know what to do I play with my playstation. My favorite types of games are driving simulators like “Gran Turismo” or “Midnight Club” and platform games.
And finally, my favorite hobby: drawing. I’ve made a lot of drawings and it’s the first that I do when I get a piece of paper and a pen.
Well, that’s me. Good bye!
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