
An elephant and an ant met near a river. The elephant was walking when the ant shouted:
Ant- Hey! Stop! Be careful!
Elephant- Who is this? - Said the elephant.
A- It’s me! Here! Down, at your feet. You were going to step me!
E- Oh, I’m sorry. What are you doing here?
A- I am looking for food and you are stepping my way. Can you put out your leg from here?
E- I’m bigger than you. Why should I do what you want?
A- Because I’m more intelligent than you.
E- That’s not true!
A- Yes!
E- No!
A- Yes!
Suddenly, a voice said:
Turtle- Shut up! I want to sleep!
E- What’s up? The stone is talking!
A- No, It’s a mountain!
T- No! I’m a turtle! Haven’t you ever seen a turtle?
E- What’s a turtle? I don’t know what a turtle is...
A- I’ll tell you: It’s an animal with a big shell and four legs. It eats wild herbs but some of them eat meat. What do you eat?
T- I usually eat ants, is it OK?
A- Nooooo!!
T- Don’t worry, I was joking.
E- Really?
T- Yes, I don’t eat ants, I eat elephants.
A- Wow! Like me!
E- I’m getting angry! Very furious! With turtles people make soup. Do you want to be in a soup?
T- Mmm. I like soups!
Suddenly a mole appeared from the soil.
Mole- What’s going on? You! Big guy, you are stepping on my place, my home is falling down!
E- It’s not me! It’s the ant!
M- And what the hole are you doing, ant?
A- Such a beautiful day!
Giraffe- Yes, very nice. Don’t you think?
T- Eing? Where do you come from?
G- I’ve seen everything and the ant is stepping the mole’s house.
A- Wow! The tree is talking!
G- Shut up snitch!
A few moments later the giraffe hit the tree and a lot of pineapples fall from the tree, hitting the elephant’s head and killing him. The elephant fall on the mole killing him too.
Then, the turtle said:
T- Mmm, we have a dinner now!
G- How do you prefer that? Rare, medium or well done?
A- Well done and, if it’s possible, with chips.
T- Yes, and an apple in the mouth.
Yes, it was a great cook dinner. They washed the elephant and the mole in the river and ate them after cooking.
They spent the afternoon talking about football and after a lot of hours the ant said:
A- Aren’t you hungry?
G- Yes!
T- But we’ve eaten a lot.
G & A- Yes.
T- We can eat something light, like... an ant?
G & A- Nooooo!
T- So... a giraffe?
G & A- Noooo!
T- Maybe a turtle?
G & A- Yeeess!
T- But I don’t want to eat turtle now!
G & A- But we want that.
They killed the turtle and later they made a delicious turtle soup.
A- Mmmm. That soup was great!
G- Yes, but I want to tell you a secret. Come here, on the top of the tree.
The ant climbed the tree, and when she was on the top, near the giraffe’s head:
G- Fffffff (blowing).
The ant fall to the floor and died...
G-(singing) MmMmm mmMMm... I’m alive.