martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Toxic friends

SELECTIVITAT WRITING: 1- Write about the influence of psychologists on our society. Are they well considered? Could they be the answer to our psychological necessities?

Psychologists play a very important role in our society. Their job is very helpful for persons who need somebody to advise them or a listener for their problems, but therapies don’t solve all of the psychological necessities.

On the one hand, psychologists are highly useful to give support to persons who have had a bad experience like the death of a relative or a rape.

On the other hand, there are some situations where the psychologist decides something which could be good for the person, but he could also be wrong and destroy one life. On example of this case happens when a marriage wants to improve the relationship but the story finishes with a divorce.

Because of these reasons, psychologists are very important in many situations, but sometimes they can’t do anything to help others.

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