sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008

"Have a flutter"

The Butterfly Park, in Empuriabrava, is a place with plenty of butterflies, moths and, more recently, tropical birds. There you can see different species, all of them amazing. Some can travel through oceans and some of them live only one day after mate. In the park, you can also see some iguanas, abandoned because they had grown too much.
In the Butterfly Park, animals and plants live in perfect harmony like in a tropical forest.

New words learnt:

Leak (to) - degotar
Stripped-pine - parquet
Odds - probabilitats
Plight - mala situació
Moth - papallona nocturna / arna
Painstakingly weaving - laboriosament teixit
Cocoon - capoll
Mate (to) - aparellar-se
Utterly - absolutament
Starvation - fam
Somewhat of a - una espècia de / una mena de
Entrepreneur - empresari
Onerous - pesat
Spooky - “espeluznante”
Nettle - ortiga

The article is from RESIDENT, September 2008, and it's written by Simon Newman

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