domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2008

Fourth Oral Presentation

This is the video of my first oral presentation of the school year, the 4th in Batxillerat. First of all I’ll comment my presentation and then I’ll put the comment of the other presentations that we have made in class. MY PRESENTATION:

PRESENTATION: I had a powerpoint with the content of my presentation, some examples and images.

BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I was more relaxed than in the other presentations. I looked to the audience or to the screen, moving my hands (maybe too much)

CONTENT: I think I introduced new information to the audience, because it was new for me when I chose this topic. I looked for information about different types of humor and I tried to choose some examples to make it easy to understand. I didn’t put a video, it could have been good.

LANGUAGE: I checked the grammar in the dictionary I looked for expressions and words related to the world of humour. I used a too much times “humour”, but I think that some synonyms aren’t appropriate to this topic. I put “humor” in the presentation because the dictionary said it was correct, but now I know that “humor” is in American English and “humour” is in British English.

PRONUNCIATION & ENTONATION: I tried to don’t extend the words or say “mmmmm” “aaaaaaa...” to win time, because when I do it I extend them too much and I prefer to stop and think.


Orals 1rst term 2nd BATX
Orals 1rst term 2n...
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1 comentario:

eso 4 dijo...

hello Adrià! we're students at casa nostra school in Banyoles. We're learning about portfolios, blogs and.....ah! english, of course!!
your blog is very nice and impressive. you can visit ours soon and send any comments if you like, of course!