sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009

"UK swine flu genetics unravelled"

Researchers from the HPA (Health Protection Agency) and other scientists from around the world have been researching on some samples of the swine flu, which has recently affected many countries, in order to find a vaccine against the virus, to observe and understand the infection and the behaviour of the virus. They are alert because viruses can mutate, and they can become more dangerous. The scientific results are very positive and the responses to the possible pandemic are being so fast, with the hope that an effective vaccine will be available soon.

New words learnt:

Flu – influenza, grip
Isolate (to) – aïllar
Pandemic - pandemia
Pin down (to) - definir
Pose (to) - plantejar
Swine - porc
Unravel (to) – desembolicar, desxifrar

Article from BBC News, Friday 8 of May, 2009, written by (unknown).

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