domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Third Oral Presentation

PRESENTATION: We had got a PowerPoint to show our presentation, with photos of rubbish dumps. We also had got a box with different objects made with different materials.
BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I was more relaxed than in the first presentation but a bit more nervous than in the second one. I looked to the audience or to the screen, changing depending on the content of the information.

CONTENT: We introduced new information to the audience. We looked for information about the problem of the waist, and what can we do with it.

LANGUAGE: We checked the grammar in the dictionary and we looked for expressions and words related to the world of waist (rubbish, trash, etc.). I used a lot “as you can see” or “also”.

PRONUNCIATION & ENTONATION: I didn’t extend the words but I left some spaces between the sentences. Another thing that I think it was better than in the other presentations is that, when I was thinking what I needed to say, I didn’t make sounds like “mmmm...”.

Oral others
Oral others.doc
Hosted by eSnips

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