martes, 18 de marzo de 2008

Description of a person

Her face is like an old scenery. Under the wide forehead there are two bright and wise, alive and eager eyes, protected by thin eyebrows.
An aquiline nose grows imposing, giving a bit of majesty.
The mouth, with thin and soft colored lips, when she smiles, shows the white and perfect teeth. Her chin is moderately stand out, a little bit sharp.
The time and the weather have left wrinkles all over the face. Each expression is followed by a skin movement that creates lots of small mountain chains separated by deep faults. She has short hair because she says that the age of long hair has passed for her. The definitive grey has invaded it with some white streaks.
She walks a bit hunched, taking the years on her back, but she doesn’t need any help: With her skinny hands and thin legs, she moves wherever she wants.
Her character is very strong and it’s hard to change her mind.
Now she wants to travel. It’s her thrill. Problems and duties have gone away and her husband isn’t here. Her children have given her some grandchildren.
With peace and happiness she faces the last years of her life. “I’ll sleep when I’ll be dead” she says. That’s my grandmother, an 83 years young woman.

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